7mm KADOS CL-0720-15000kv 56000rpm Motors
This is our most popular 7mm motor. These 56000rpm motors will surely be an upgrade in speed over stock motors, but wont completely compromise battery life. Upgraded battery packs are however recommended for best performance. Give your RC unit the power it needs. By breaking in your motors with a few batteries at no more than 50% to seat brushes and allowing motors to cool between flights you can greatly increase the life of your motors. Never run motors in reverse as this will quickly wear down the motors brushes.
Set of 4 (2CW and 2CCW)
Clockwise- Red and white wires
Counter Clockwise- White and Black wires
Width- 7mm
Height- 20mm
Shaft Diameter- 1mm
Shaft length- 5mm
Speed- 15000kv or 56000rpm @ 3.7V
Wire Length-8cm